July 15, 2022
Let’s talk about construction… using cannabis.
Giving a whole new meaning to the term “green building”, developers in Europe are beginning to turn to hemp as a means of reducing the industry’s devastating carbon footprint. According to experts, using hemp as a building material can improve soil quality and extract toxins and metals from the earth. It grows much faster than trees, requires less space for cultivation, and is becoming commercially available through products like hempcrete. In addition to the ecological benefits, I can only imagine it improves the mood of everyone in the building (although meetings may drag out a bit longer).
If this sounds farfetched, crack open Hemp Buildings, Steve Allin’s new book featuring 50 case studies of architecture from around the world.
Would you build using hemp? Would love to hear your thoughts!
How the technology behind ‘Fortnite’ is being used to design IRL buildings // FastCompany
What makes digital architecture valuable in the Metaverse // a16
Open Air: New ways we can live together with nature through design // ArchDaily
011h hopes to get us to net zero via its platform to construct wooden buildings // TechCrunch
Dubai is preparing to take its government to the Metaverse // Bitcoin.com
Designing optimal workplace environments with vibe mapping and ecotones // Metropolis
BBVA partners with Fifth Wall Climate Fund to invest in technologies to decarbonize the real estate industry // BBVA
Embracing a data-driven approach to smart urban planning, TestFit makes feasibility studies more efficient. The platform mixes user knowledge via co-creation with the power of proprietary algorithms into a multifamily prototyping solution that produces results in seconds. Late last year, the company released TestFit Industrial, which instantly conducts feasibility studies for warehousing, storage, and distribution spaces.