March 25, 2022

Let's talk about remote work.

It was renowned American economist (and my personal hero), Ed Glaeser, who said, “Innovations cluster…because ideas cross corridors and streets more easily than continents and seas.”

Although flexible and remote work has been all the rage, the professional world is beginning to come back to the table again. No, not the cartoonish one in Decentraland or a jpeg background in a Zoom call--real, wooden tables (remember those?).

Flexible geographic arrangements allow us to spend more time with family, and embrace the lifestyle we most desire, but will it push the world forward? Is it possible that proximity will now be at an all time premium with a large chunk of us sitting it out?





Utah Dreams Up a Different Kind of 15-Minute City // Bloomberg

Amsterdam Plans the Netherlands’ First Modern-Day Wooden Neighborhood // CityLab

Thanks to AR, Navigating Cities and Airports Could Soon be Like Playing ‘Mario Kart’ // FastCompany

The Impact Of PropTech And Digital Transformation In Multifamily Real Estate // Forbes

Designing a Children's Playspace with Empathetic Design Principles // V2

How ‘Sponge Cities’ Can Protect Coastal Towns from Flooding // FastCompany






inCitu is on a mission to democratize urban development by incentivizing community participation through immersive experiences. Their augmented reality platform brings 3D models into their urban context, allowing residents, designers, and elected representatives to visualize and assess the impact of proposed projects in their neighborhoods on site, in real time. Most importantly, InCitu lets them join in the planning of change.

On January 2021, Manhattan Community Board Five (CB5) voted to advance plans for a massive undertaking in Midtown, involving the relocation of Madison Square Garden's Sports Facility. Building on a plan that was proposed in 2016 by Vishaan Chakrabarti and his office PAU, CB5 members will use inCitu to effectively assess the masses that are suggested to Midtown West. inCitu engaged the public through its platform, allowing residents and other stakeholders to explore the proposal and weigh in their opinion on it.





April 1, 2022


March 11, 2022